How to Find the Content You Want
GIPHY is committed to providing users with the results they are looking for. We're constantly iterating on our algorithm to return results based on the relevance, popularity, cultural significance, and quality of content against your search term, hopefully providing you with the content you're looking for or didn't know you needed.
How to Search
To find the content you’re looking for, go to the search bar at the top of the GIPHY homepage and enter your term or set of terms you want to find. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, add some more specific terms to the end of your search.
The top of your results will display relevant GIPHY channels associated with your search term. Right below that, you’ll see GIPHY Clips results, followed by GIF and Sticker results. Toggles can also be useful to help find what you're looking for. Use the Newest toggle to sort your GIF results by the day they were added to GIPHY. Use the Stickers toggle to view only Sticker results for that term.
Troubleshooting Search
You can easily alert the GIPHY team about any issues you find with our search results by clicking the flag icon right below the search bar. You can report if the results don’t meet your expectations for relevance, fun, safety, timeliness, quality, or diversity, and provide us with a brief explanation why. We will review these flags on a regular basis and make updates as necessary.
If you’d like to report a specific inappropriate GIF, please see this article on how to do so. You can also learn how to report a specific GIF for copyright violations here.