Play, remix and share GIPHY-powered microgames in a matter of seconds with GIPHY Arcade!
Visit to play microgames from your desktop or mobile browser.
- Use Featured Playlists to select a set of games to play or the Shareable Games to select a single game to play.
- Follow the directions in the icon to Tap, Drag, Fling or Swipe to play.
- Use Next Game to navigate to a new game. In Playlist mode this will lead you to the next game in the Playlist. In Game mode this will lead you to another Game within the Arcade. Skip will advance you to the next available game.
On Desktop:
Select specific characters within your game and customize other key elements of your game.
- Use Remix to create your own microgame.
- Select the game play you would like for your game using the Game Templates selector and proceed to the Next Step.
- Use the search bar to search or scroll GIPHY Stickers to find your game characters and proceed to the Next Step.
- Select a background GIF and a musical soundtrack from GIPHY’s templates and give your game a name!
On mobile web:
Answer 3 quick questions to randomize elements of your microgame mad-libs style.
- Use Remix to create your own microgame.
- Select the game play you would like for your game using the Game Type templates.
- Enter search terms to automatically populate characters for your game and proceed to Make My Game. Your game title, background, musical track and characters will automatically come to life!
- Copy and paste the URL of any game to share a playable version.
- Open the source attribution on each piece of content in a game. Use Credits on the lower right hand corner of see the attribution on each Sticker and GIF in a game.
- GIPHY has a no tolerance policy for any GIF that violates our Community Guidelines. Use Report on the lower left hand corner of every game if you see something you believe violates these guidelines. This will redirect you to a short set of questions via Typeform.