What are GIPHY Clips?
Clips on GIPHY are essentially GIFs + Sound. When creating video Clips, focus on short, shareable trending moments, actions or highlights that people would want to send to each other, and get rid of all the rest. GIPHY Clips is meant to spark conversations and encourage sharing.
Clips creation is only available for upgraded Brands and Artists. You can apply for an upgraded channel here with a new or existing account.
Duration: 30 seconds or less
File Type: Mp4, mov, or webm
Aspect Ratio: between 9:16 minimum and 16:9 maximum
Resolution: Up to 4k
File Size: 100MB max
Frame Rate: 24 or 30 fps (can vary depending on the content being created)
Audio Export: aim for levels around -8db. Must include sound - background music only is discouraged and sound should be relevant to uploaded video.
Please remove superfluous black bars and do not include end cards or CTAs.
- Log in to your partner or artist channel
- Visit www.giphy.com/upload
- You can drag in your file, multiple files, or select Choose File under “Clip”. Please note: If you are uploading multiple Clips at a time, you can edit the metadata in bulk under Add Info. Or, you can edit individual clips by selecting the down arrow below the Clip, prior to upload.
- To edit the Clip Title, click on the pencil icon next to your file name. You can edit the video description below the clip preview.
- Tips for adding Clips metadata:
- Title: 50 character limit
- Description: 200 character limit
- Tagging: Tag all the relevant keywords like names, nicknames, character names, locations, property names, season, episode, sports team, song title, etc. For more information please review GIPHY’S Content tagging Guidelines.
- Rating: Keep in mind that the higher rated your content is by our moderation system, the less likely it is to be seen by a large number of people. Each of GIPHY’s 70,000+ API partners sets their own rating cap for content, but most of the larger platforms only accept PG content and below. For more information please review GIPHY’s Content Rating Guidelines.
- Click the Upload button to finish.