Are you a verified GIPHY artist looking for freelance GIF and Sticker opportunities? Display your work availability to Brands, Businesses and Talent using GIPHY.
- Login to using a desktop computer.
- Toggle Available For Work to Available. This will allow GIPHY’s official partner network to see a “Hire Me” button below your bio. This button is only visible to GIPHY’s partner network.
- Locate Email Address to ensure your information is up to date. Any work inquiries will be sent to this email. Your email address will not be visible and is only revealed to partners if you choose to respond to an incoming proposal.
- Select Save at the bottom of the Channel Settings panel before exiting.
We recommend doing an inventory of the content on your channel so that it stands out!
- Ensure there is a large sample of GIFs, Stickers or Clips on GIPHY with a cohesive style and voice. Artists that have a large body of work and unique personality and point of view tend to be the most successful at attracting work.
- Use Super Cut to automate GIF and Clip creation from your longer form content and Sticker Maker to automate Sticker creation from still images. Speaking of Clips, video is rather new on GIPHY and we are always looking for artists uploading and innovating in this area to collaborate with.
- We recommend limiting branded content to Collaborations, where your characters and art style really shine through even on branded work.
- Use Collections to organize your work into categories so that potential clients can more easily browse.
- Double check that your channel banner, portfolio and social links are all up to date. Artists that have a cohesive presence instill confidence in potential clients.
- Respond to all work inquiries within a timely manner even if just to say that you’re not available for the project.
Please Contact Us directly to share any feedback about this feature, we would love to hear from you.
Looking to hire a GIF artist or learn more? Check out our Guide To Hiring a GIF Artist.